Machine tagging and computer vision

For our class project my team and i have been reviewing facial recognision and tagging software. We each reviewed a software by putting through photographs from four different categories – portraits, meetings, protest and miscellaneous.

the software i used was called Clarifai and my photogrouping was ‘miscellaneous’, below is the photographs and the tags i got from Clarifai.


I also put through two photos from the other three categories shown below –



Review of Clarifai

  • Can import multiply photos
  • Very slow
  • Tags are fairly accurate
  • Sometimes the tags wouldn’t load

Clarifai is a at most basic tagging program, it’s very simple to use and the best thing about it compared to the other programs is that you can import multiply photos at one time. Though you could import multiple photos at a time it did mean sometimes you would be sitting there for ages and sometimes it wouldn’t load at all, so you’d have to refresh and import again. The tags were pretty accurate, the tags shown were what I was able to guess what would appear. This site would cater to people who would want to use it for quick tasks but for people wanting to do complex tasks might want to try a different software.


